Fall is about more than carving pumpkins and dressing up for Halloween. It also means it’s time to go to the Rockin’ K Maze in Robstown. The maze opens on September 30* and stays open through November, and it draws big crowds year after year. Get ready for some family-friendly fall fun at this cool maze.
*UPDATE: The Rockin’ K Maze will be closed on September 30th and October 1st due to weather conditions.
A New Year, a New Design
Each new year brings a new design, and the design for 2017 is one of the neatest yet. It’s called “America Needs Farmers,” and it pays homage to the men and women who provide food for America’s families. This is a very special design, and it’s just as challenging as ever. See if you can make it through the tractor design and out the other side. It’s been known to take people an hour or so to make it through a Rockin’ K Maze, so don’t be surprised if you don’t fly through this one.
Big Crowds? No Problem
It’s worth mentioning at the Rockin’ K Maze has an excellent staff on-site. This place gets crowded, but the staff is skilled in the finer points of crowd control. It keeps the crowds moving along, and everyone seems to be in a good mood. Don’t let the crowds scare you. You will forget that you are one of many when you visit here.
Don’t Forget the Other Activities
You might want to tackle the Rockin’ K Maze as soon as you get to the farm, but don’t forget about the other activities, especially the apple blaster. The kids love this cool activity. You might even want to blast off an apple or two when you’re at the farm.
Come for Halloween
While the Rockin’ K Maze is always a lot of fun, it’s going to be extra special on October 28 and 29. That’s when the kids can come in costume and go trick-or-treating inside of the maze. There will also be a costume contest going on at the maze during this time. Keep in mind that trick-or-treating is just for the kids. The candy might look enticing, but you’ll have to leave it for the little ones. Maybe they will have more than they can handle and share some with you.
You’ll have a blast at the maze, but then you’ll go back to your normal life. Make normal life more fun with a new vehicle from Mike Shaw Toyota in Robstown, Texas. When you have a Toyota, the real world will feel like anything but normal. Everything will be heightened and enhanced, and life will be much more fun.