Texas is making waves in the birding world. They are the first state to create a birding trail, linking 310 different birdwatching sites. The route includes various observation platforms and informational kiosks for visitors. If you’re looking for the best birding sites and hidden gems on the Central Texas Coast, then you’ve come to the right place. From beaches to marshes, there are plenty of opportunities for birders of all levels to view rare birds. Here is a list of four coastal Texas birding sites and hidden gems you won’t want to miss!
South Texas Botanical Gardens & Nature Center
South Texas is a hot spot for birding, and the center offers scenic nature trails that let visitors see species such as the Groove-billed Ani, Long-billed Thrasher, Curve-billed Thrasher, Pyrrhuloxia, and Olive Sparrow. The lake and creek are also excellent spots for waterbirds, including Least Grebe. There are ten formal gardens at the center with flowery exhibits.
Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve
With this site’s excellent mix of habitat types, you’re sure to see a variety of species. Visit here if you’re interested in seeing the Groove-billed ani, olive sparrow, and long-billed thrasher. Stop by during the spring for warbler sightings. You might also see painted buntings around the water feature during the summer if you know where to look.
Hans A. Suter Wildlife Area
The lagoon is a great place to enjoy the scenery and have a walk. It’s also a perfect place for birdwatching. The short walking trail leading from the parking lot to the lagoon is an excellent spot for land bird migration, while the lagoon is commonly filled with rare waterbirds. Before going to Hans Suter, check the tide schedule and prepare to spend a while observing the many different species of birds there.
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Blucher Park
In this densely wooded park, a small creek flows through the center, attracting many rare migrating land birds. If you’re lucky, you might find a flycatcher, thrush, vireo, or warbler. There’s a helpful information kiosk at the corner of Blucher and Carrizo streets sharing information about birds and their habitats.
With over 700 miles of coastline home to over 640 different species of birds, Texas offers a wealth of opportunities for viewing these majestic creatures. It is the perfect place to explore on foot, by bike or car. Contact Mike Shaw Toyota today if you’re looking for new transportation to explore Texas’ excellent birding trails and loops.